The Official Pepsi stores – Pepsi, IZZE and Amp Energy – were managed for PepsiCo by Resolution Inc., an e-commerce solutions company that provided e-commerce store development, fulfillment, and product development including sourcing and on-demand customization and manufacturing services.
While working for Resolution, I designed the official Facebook Online store, collaborating with some talented contract developers who helped us build the backend code for Facebook and the encrypted channels to our ecommerce engine used to process orders for the website. My vision for the Facebook store, while designing within the confines of Facebook limitations and Pepsi brand guidelines, was to make the tab buttons appear like a vintage Pepsi vending machine with light up buttons for different soda selections.
I designed a series of graphic treatments for IZZE’s 10th Anniversary, including t-shirts that were sold in our store, and a special run of IZZE 10th anniversary t-shirts that were created as an in-store co-branding promotion for Whole Foods Market.
One of the most popular attractions in the Pepsi Store were the vintage logo products. I photographed and retouched promotional imagery for this effort.